Readwise: Finding Treasure by the Stream
There is so little opportunity to consider-again, right? The tempo of life leaves not much time to just think back…
We know there is a value in letting the mind go. There is also worth in slow thinking, in considering what we have found valuable in the past.
It adds depth to our lives — temporal depth. When we meet again what we have treasured in other moments, we can listen to ourselves in that time.
So we underline and highlight what strikes us. In the stream of life, **this** is something we would like to travel forward with us.
And then in the white-water we lose it.
It is lying on the streambed, shining, unseen.
I was grateful when Eva Keiffenheim, in one of her many useful articles about learning, said she valued a piece of software because it interfaced with Readwise.
“Odd name,” I thought, and I went to look it up. It turns out to be a treasure. Readwise brings those underlined and highlighted insights back to you. They come in an email once a day. You find again what you had lost in the river.
The details: It can bring you highlights from Kindle Books (which has doubled the use I get from Kindle), from Medium, Pocket, Instapaper, Twitter, and internet writings you have highlit to save with Readwise’ extension for your browser. They seem to add new sources regularly.
You can browse what you have highlit as well as having it sent to you. You can set up “spaced repetition” to master a topic. There are ways to export to Roam and Obsidian.
So here is the money part. It costs $8 a month. Ow, but worth it. You get a free month to try it out and become quite addicted. If you refer a friend and they sync up, you get an additional 30 days for free and so do they. That is what I am doing here — if you go to Readwise and try it out via this link, you and I will get exactly that benefit (and thank you).
I will meet you by the stream, panning for lost treasure.