MU: The Maintenance/Use Index
Some things you spend more time maintaining than using.
A bunch of folks bent over an old car. Hours spent tinkering with the engine, the detail, the interior. It’s an act of love, that maintenance — but it is not the best car for getting you around town.
How about a simple ratio of the time spent maintaining (figuring out, repairing, extending, etc) something vs the time spent using it?
MU = maintenance-time/use-time, if you like formulas.
The Test: Is it a tool (low MU) or a hobby (high MU)?
For example:
Google docs has a very low MU, a very low ratio of maintenance to application — mostly you just use it.
Linux can drive you nuts, looking up how to install an app. There are lots of features — but they have obscure names and un-obvious ways to use them. Linux has a very high MU.
Do some cases occur to you, in your work? Your relationships?